Wednesday 1 April 2009



During the planning and production of the media product, myself and my group found ourselves with general appraisal and some slight criticisms to how the product looked as the final version. Throughout there have been many obstacles to overcome but I feel that they have all been for the benefit of making the media product as good as it can be.

My media product develops forms and conventions of real media products in a number of ways. Once the four pitch ideas were made my group and I decided to stick with the idea of suicide that appeared in each pitch. The reason being that we felt people of our age could relate to it and that we can show the characters thoughts and feelings in many ways aside from the most obvious form of crying and panic. The idea of the fast forward motion technique in the opening developed from The Bourne Supremacy as it showed time moving on. For our media project the technique showed how Lucy was isolated from other people which linked to the idea of her feeling alone with no one to talk to. It also gave the effect that so much is happening around one individual situation. I thought that a reoccurrence of the speeding up of time was common in action films in order to show the action taking place or the building up to the major event. As for the voice over at the start, many dramas use this technique to allow the audience insight into the characters true thoughts and feelings so that they feel involved and can form a sort of relationship with them.

The main social group my media product represents is teenagers. The opening highlights teenagers dealing with events in life being unable to cope. In a way it shows the stereotypical side of young teenagers thinking of the worst result to their situations and in the case of the film, suicide. The opening shows how a teenager can be oblivious to the surroundings around them when in actual fact lots of things are going on everyday, everywhere. This is why we decided to use the opening effect of speeding up time in order to emphasize how much actually does go on aside from an individual’s thoughts and feelings.

I think that my media product might be distributed by a Niche (independent) studio for many reasons. First of all, it would have a smaller release and the film is different yet unconventional. The reasons being that the opening of the film is diverse and not a common way to go straight into the film. Also the themes within the film are not related to everyday films that are shown therefore; it would not attract many people to watch as some people find dramatic realistic films quite difficult to watch as the subject matter of suicide is complex. On the other hand it could be distributed from a mainstream studio as the events within the film could appeal to an audience of females who can relate to the confusion and emotions shown of teenage life.

This leads me onto my next point of the target audience for the product. The preparation of the product included many aspects of research and one factor considered was the target audience. From the circulated questionnaires myself and my group were able to come up with a specific audience we would like our film to relate to. We concluded that our audience was to be both male and female between 15-25 years of age, as they could relate to the issue of suicide, pre and post to the event. To address the audience a series of different shots were used. I feel that the opening minute gives the audience a clue to the possible upcoming events and the main message to the film. The opening long shot worked really well as it showed the characters isolation and vulnerable side. Also the audience were able to see the characters full figure which also gave an idea of the setting and where the character had come from. I feel that the transitions to each shot relate to the audience as people from 15 upwards mature from their younger years therefore they see life in a different way, taking issues like suicide more seriously.

From constructing this product I have learnt a lot about the technologies. Firstly, I became familiar with the computer as trial runs were taken before the real editing began. It was fairly straightforward to import what was filmed onto the computers however; I feel that I need to learn how to be more patient with the process as a lot of time was needed in order for what was filmed to run through. In terms of the editing process I feel that I experimented with a wide range of transitions and effects. However, once a few were used I tried to limit the amount of additional effects that were used in order for the product to look unprofessional with a series of fade ins and outs. Consequently, the few that were used worked really well especially the fade in and out as it showed that time had passed from the previous clip of Lucy running away from the scene to her running into her house. If I was to edit another film I think that I would consider using different effects that are not commonly used in other products. Also to allow more time for the preparation of editing at the beginning I did not realise how much time was used for trying new things that were then discarded as they did not fit in well. Otherwise, I believe that the editing went really well especially as I was not very familiar to the Imac system.

Looking back at the preliminary task I feel that I have progressed a lot in terms of ideas, techniques suggested and skills on putting the product together. My previous task was at a beginner’s level and I simply experimented with many factors that did not necessarily meet the brief. However, from then I think I have come a long way with my technique and thought process in the technical side. The feedback from the preliminary task obtained from my teacher and other members of the audience enabled me to take the criticisms and turn them into successful points.

The main idea that has remained in my thoughts for the final product is that less is better and this has shown in my media product.

Thursday 26 February 2009

Reflection of pre production process

So far in our production we have completed the planning of our project including the screen play, storyboard, schedule, pitches, synopsis and research (target audience and influences). At the start we began with the pitches and synopsis which went well. We all worked together on this part and included all of our ideas and thoughts on what would and wouldn’t work. From our collection of ideas we concluded with one pitch that we would use for our production. This was the actual suicide of Lucy Barker. From this we produced a synopsis for our film. This was successful and was a brief description of what was going to happen in our film with some background information.

Following these we produced a questionnaire in which we were going to use to research our target audience. We asked 15 people with questions including what aspects of a drama film they were interested in. the types of dramas they prefer? What their favourite drama is and what they would rate it on a scale of 1-10. From the research we were able to see what our typical audience would be in order to decide how we would film e.t.c to relate to our chosen audience.
With our influences we decided to use a PowerPoint to show how the films we had chosen were linked to our production and what aspects we were going to include or dismiss. The main film that influenced our pitch idea was Kidulthood. The similarities we found were the idea of suicide in which our character, struggling with difficulties in her life, leads herself to commit suicide. We were going to show what happened in her life that led her to the suicide. These included bullying at school and the stress of her home life. Our opening was going to end on her death.

Using the influences we began our first draft of the screen play. Once completed, we discussed our idea with our teacher and concluded that our opening was too much like a film with a beginning, middle and end. Therefore we had to adjust some minor things. Resulting in this we changed our synopsis and pitch idea to match what we came up with. We decided to leave the suicide to the rest of the film and show the characters feelings and actions in a slower process. This was long process and the alterations held us back a while as we had to go back and change factors before continuing. There is not much speech in our opening but we deliberately decided to do this in order to create tension and suspense of what was going to happen.

Once we changed our previous work to suit our final brief we continued onto the storyboard. As we were not at expressing our idea onto images we received help from an outside source. We had a series of shots that show the different camera angles we were going to use with the characters and positioning involved.

The timing used to complete all of the above tasks was not used as good as it could have been. Due to minor changes we had to make along the way we were slightly held back. However, once we were on task our group made progress and we now feel we are on the right tracks in producing a really good opening production, if all works how we planned.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Screen play

Screen Play-Anna, Maria, Chloe, Aisleigh
EXT: Lucy standing in the middle of the street holding a bunch of flowers.

Takes place during the day time

Crowd Laughing

“you alright Luc?”

“Lucy whats up?”

Lucy gets frustrated and hits him with the bunch of flowers (flowers begin to fall apart)

Lucy pushes past the crowd, while still holding the dismantled flowers and starts to run down the street


FADE IN (slamming the house door as it fades back in)

INT: Lucy runs upstairs, while breathing heavily Lucy runs into the bathroom, slams the door and then locks it She looks in the mirror, still breathing heavily but begins to calm down
At this point she has tears running down her face and smudged make up everywhere Stares
At Herself Lucy wipes the tears away from her face, slowly opens the cupboard and runs the tap She then begins to rummage through the cupboard looking for pills and then finds them and fixates her eyes on them Lucy then picks up the pot, puts one in her hand and then places it up to her mouth

Black out-'6 months earlier'


Wednesday 14 January 2009

Target Audience

Our film is based on drama and potentially real life situations. We thought it would be very useful to find out different people’s opinions on drama films and what kind of age range preferred them the most. For our target audience research, we conducted a questionnaire containing a series of questions that would enable us to see different people’s views on drama films. We started off the questionnaire with, how would you rate drama films on a scale of 1-10? We found that out of 15 people interviewed, 10 rated drama films as 6 or above (1 being the least, 10 being the most) and the majority of these people were sixth form students aged between 16 and 17. When asked about aspects and features in a drama film, basically everyone put things like violence, action and family and friend related problems, which is something we need to consider including in our film. Our next question presented a list of films such as Kidulthood/Adulthood, Casablanca, 8 Mile, Brief Encounter, Flight 93, Alpha Dog and The Godfather. These all relate to our project and we asked people to tick which ones they preferred the most. We found that Kidulthood/Adulthood was by far the most popular among teenagers and people from this age group. We thought this because its deals with realistic events and many teenagers can relate to it as things that happen in Kidulthood probably occur in every day life. This also helped in deciding what to use as our influences and inspiration. What would you expect to see in the opening to a drama? This question showed us that majority of people expected things such as the setting, some of the key characters and maybe a small bit of action to hint of what is to come later on in the film. Our next question asked was if they preferred films set in the past or present and most people said they preferred present day films. Our final question asked if they thought it was important to be introduced to the main character straight away and the majority of people thought that it wasn’t. All these answers are vital for how we should approach our films and what aspects should be included in it.

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Pitch for our film.

For our project we can up with a serious of different ideas that we could pitch to enable our film to be the best it could be. All of our ideas are based on real life issues teenagers and young adults face in today’s society.

Pitch idea 1- Party scene

One of our ideas for our project was to show teenage life outside of school with friends and socially going out. Out main character throughout our ideas is Lucy Barker. The idea begins with Lucy getting ready for a party with her friends at her house. They are in her room with music playing in the background, putting on their make-up and having a good time laughing and enjoying themselves. There is then a fade from that scene cutting to them walking into the party greeting other friends. Lucy is a bit tipsy and gets close to a guy who flirts with her all night. Lucy is unaware that when this guy gets her a drink he spikes it and therefore accepts all the drinks he brings her as she thinks she can trust him. After that her vision is blurred and she passes out. The camera will ‘fall’ to the ground as Lucy does. Time passes and she wakes up in the house not feeling right. The following scenes (that we will not be filming) are about Lucy after this event trying to figure out what really happened and if justice is made.

Pitch idea 2- Bullying
Our second idea for our media coursework was to base it on the issue of bullying as this is a key problem many children have to deal with. We are going to have Lucy Barker at school, being approached by a group of intimidating teenage girls who make snide comments about the way she looks and just generally being abusive and nasty to her. This continues on more than one occasion and we see how the character changes from before and during the bullying. Lucy eventually reaches breaking point and results to drastic measures.

Pitch idea 3- Drugs
Our third idea was the concept of drugs and how many teenagers face problems with the issue of drug abuse. We wanted to show how the drugs affected the lives of those who use them and affect other people around them. The involvement of drugs in Lucy Barkers life is taking them through depression of being bullied and her disruptive family life. She feels that taking them is the only way of forgetting everything around her. When Lucy gets into the new crowd her friendship life is changing at the same time her family life is getting worse. The use of the drugs results to Lucy committing suicide. In this idea we linked the concept of bullying and changes to life.

Final pitch
Through our working ideas we came to a fourth pitch which is going to be our final pitch. It contains elements of realism which we extracted from the previous 3 ideas and implemented them into our final pitch; including stress, suicide, loss and bullying. We concluded out final pitch by looking at similar movies whose ideas we have taken a particular interest in.

Pitch 4- suicide
Lucy is a distressed young girl coping with the recent death of her mum. Lucy is locked in her bedroom accompanied by a bottle of pills and a pen and piece of paper on which her once hidden emotions and heartfelt feelings will be spilt. The scene as a whole will be quite distorted with flashbacks of herself and her troubles along the time frame leading up to her suicide. The final built up of Lucy’s death will be of her writing the last goodbyes on the letter and taking the pills which will lead to her eventual death.